We're a brand-new lab looking for a team that's excited about neuroscience, focused on putting out good research, and ready to help establish our science from the ground-up.
There are a lot of unique rewards and challenges in joining a new lab, since starting members will help get the lab up and running. I'm dedicated towards making this a collaborative process: I want my trainees to build good foundations and accomplish their individual goals, and I want to continually improve my mentorship.
Projects can be flexible within the themes of the lab:
Interactions between the cortex, basal ganglia, and thalamus
Changes in activity over learning
Mechanisms of behavior/action/motor control
Postdoctoral fellows
Informal inquiries are welcome if no official opening is posted: please email Andy with a brief background, your research interest in the lab, and CV. We currently do not have postdoc funding available, but we could accept a postdoc with a fellowship.
Postdoctoral fellows ideally have experience in electrophysiology or imaging, analysis in MATLAB or Python, and a previously published first-author paper. Since the first postdocs will help establish our lab, it is essential to have experience in mouse stereotaxic surgery, neural recordings, and analysis of neural activity.
Before you join, we can write a fellowship application together, which is useful to both provide funding and solidify project ideas. These can include both UK schemes and schemes to promote international movement (if you're coming from outside the UK), such as:
Doctoral students
Doctoral students can join the lab either after first year rotations or directly through the department.
For programs including one year of lab rotations, you apply without committing to a specific lab, then you can rotate in our lab and choose to join. These are:
There is also a departmental DPhil program, where you can apply directly to the lab with a proposed project. Since this does not include rotations, it is essential to have a neuroscience background and some relevant experimental experience. If you're interested in this, please email Andy with your CV, a brief description of your background, and specific interests in the lab. This program is:
Master's students
Master's students don't need experience, just excitement about starting out doing research. The goal is for master's students to accomplish a small project that gives them a realistic experience of how science is done. We can take students who are enrolled this course:
Students can also apply do to a Master's directly in the lab. Ideally, students applying to this would have relevant experience, and the project would have to be well-defined beforehand. This course is:
Undergraduate FHS projects
We may be able to take in undergraduate students for FHS projects. This depends on ongoing work and whether there is something suitable for a project - if interested, email Andy about availability with 1) your specific interest in the lab and 2) the timeframe for your project.